Is Acid Destroying Your Cells?
Every chemical in your body contains water. Everything from the acid you need to digest food, to your hormones, to your immune cells that attack infections.
And all that water must be maintained at the right pH balance in order for your body to function the way it’s meant to. "pH" simply means "potential of Hydrogen." And it’s measured on a scale of 0 (100% acidic) to 14 (100% alkaline). Every cell in your body should be slightly alkaline. But the modern world pours acid into you every single day from pollutants in your drinking water, the air you breathe… even most modern medicines and prescriptions drugs are notorious for producing acid. And this can lead to some serious health problems. That’s why we want to let you know about a pH balancing solution and why we offer our clients Kangen Water FREE of charge to help you rebalance the water in your body today.
You may own your own KANGEN machine … just talk to Colleen at the Front Desk for more information (801-447-8680).
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New research presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association finds that women who drank only two sugary drinks a day were nearly four times as likely to have high triglycerides, the best predictor of heart risk for women.
They were also significantly more likely to have impaired blood sugar levels even when not eating or drinking.1
Sugary drinks increase triglycerides because they are almost pure carbohydrate. Drinking flavored water, sweetened tea, soda, or those dessert-like coffees send a rush of sugar straight into your bloodstream.
When your body gets too much of this kind of carbohydrate, it wants to store it as fat. How does it do this? It turns the carbs into triglycerides. Then it transports them through the blood from the liver where they’re made to the adipose cells where they’re stored.
Problem is, even if you’re outwardly thin, this fat can accumulate around your organs without you ever knowing it. It’s called visceral fat. It causes inflammation, and can lead to the inflammatory diseases diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.
And sugary drinks are bad for that reason, but diet drinks may actually be worse. Researchers were shocked when looking at results from the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging. They followed 474 people for nearly 10 years. They compared the change in waist size for diet soda users versus non-users (both sugary drink drinkers and non-drinkers). People who drank diet sodas had a 70 percent greater increase in waist size. And for those who said they drank two or more diet sodas a day, their bellies grew by 500 percent more.2That’s five times bigger waists for people drinking diet sodas. On average, for each diet soft drink you have each day, you’re 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years, and 41 percent more likely to become obese. And it’s not just soda. All juices are just as bad when packaged.
You just can’t package things without ruining them. Because they’re either going to be homogenized, pasteurized or from concentrate and all of those ruin the vitamins and increase the glycemic index.
So what should you drink?

Calli Tea and Fortune Delight are also very good alternatives. They come in multiple flavors including Regular, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Peach, and Lemon.
One of our favorite flavored waters is cucumber water.
Here are two simple ways to make it:
- You just cut up a cucumber into small chunks, cover them in the amount of water you want to drink and let it soak in the fridge overnight. In the morning, strain it into a glass or pitcher and throw away the cucumbers.
- The second way is to add a bunch of slices of cucumber to some ice water, let it sit for a couple of hours, and you’ll have a tasty drink in no time.
Mint makes cucumber water even more refreshing. If you add mint, chop the mint and let it soak with the cucumber chunks in the first method, or just break up some mint and let it sit in the water for the second.
You may also do this with oranges, cranberries or strawberries. Adding a few drops of Sweetleaf to the water can add variety as well. Have fun, experiment, and take comfort in knowing you are drinking your way to better health!
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