Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It doesn’t matter how healthy or thin you are, reaching for a sugary drink is still dangerous for your heart. Four times as dangerous as not drinking one.

Is Acid Destroying Your Cells?
Every chemical in your body contains water. Everything from the acid you need to digest food, to your hormones, to your immune cells that attack infections.

And all that water must be maintained at the right pH balance in order for your body to function the way it’s meant to.

"pH" simply means "potential of Hydrogen." And it’s measured on a scale of 0 (100% acidic) to 14 (100% alkaline). Every cell in your body should be slightly alkaline.

But the modern world pours acid into you every single day from pollutants in your drinking water, the air you breathe… even most modern medicines and prescriptions drugs are notorious for producing acid. And this can lead to some serious health problems.

That’s why we want to let you know about a pH balancing solution and 
why we offer our clients Kangen Water FREE of charge to help you rebalance the water in your body today.

You may own your own KANGEN machine … just talk to Colleen at the Front Desk for more information (801-447-8680).
For more information Click Here

New research presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association finds that women who drank only two sugary drinks a day were nearly four times as likely to have high triglycerides, the best predictor of heart risk for women.
They were also significantly more likely to have impaired blood sugar levels even when not eating or drinking.1

Sugary drinks increase triglycerides because they are almost pure carbohydrate. Drinking flavored water, sweetened tea, soda, or those dessert-like coffees send a rush of sugar straight into your bloodstream.

When your body gets too much of this kind of carbohydrate, it wants to store it as fat. How does it do this? It turns the carbs into triglycerides. Then it transports them through the blood from the liver where they’re made to the adipose cells where they’re stored.
Problem is, even if you’re outwardly thin, this fat can accumulate around your organs without you ever knowing it. It’s called visceral fat. It causes inflammation, and can lead to the inflammatory diseases diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

And sugary drinks are bad for that reason, but diet drinks may actually be worse. Researchers were shocked when looking at results from the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging. They followed 474 people for nearly 10 years. They compared the change in waist size for diet soda users versus non-users (both sugary drink drinkers and non-drinkers). People who drank diet sodas had a 70 percent greater increase in waist size. And for those who said they drank two or more diet sodas a day, their bellies grew by 500 percent more.2That’s five times bigger waists for people drinking diet sodas. On average, for each diet soft drink you have each day, you’re 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years, and 41 percent more likely to become obese. And it’s not just soda. All juices are just as bad when packaged.
You just can’t package things without ruining them. Because they’re either going to be homogenized, pasteurized or from concentrate and all of those ruin the vitamins and increase the glycemic index. Unless you’re going to pick the fruit and drink the juice fresh, don’t drink juice.

So what should you drink?

Plain water is a great way to go, and you could sweeten your water with just a little bit lemon or lime for flavoring, and if you want a bit of sweetness, use Sunectar, SunnyDew, or SweetLeaf Flavored Stevia. There are multiple choices of flavors. Stevia has been known to help regulate blood sugar and is excellent nutrition for the pancreas.

Calli Tea and Fortune Delight are also very good alternatives. They come in multiple flavors including Regular, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Peach, and Lemon.

One of our favorite flavored waters is cucumber water.

Here are two simple ways to make it:
  1. You just cut up a cucumber into small chunks, cover them in the amount of water you want to drink and let it soak in the fridge overnight. In the morning, strain it into a glass or pitcher and throw away the cucumbers.
  2. The second way is to add a bunch of slices of cucumber to some ice water, let it sit for a couple of hours, and you’ll have a tasty drink in no time.
Mint makes cucumber water even more refreshing. If you add mint, chop the mint and let it soak with the cucumber chunks in the first method, or just break up some mint and let it sit in the water for the second.

You may also do this with oranges, cranberries or strawberries. Adding a few drops of Sweetleaf to the water can add variety as well. Have fun, experiment, and take comfort in knowing you are drinking your way to better health!  

To order or learn more ... Visit Us On Our Website!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Supplement Prices Set to Explode

From our friend, Frank Shallenberger, MD, Finding your Real Cures

As you may know, the FDA isn't here to protect you, the American taxpayer. It's here to protect the pharmaceutical industry and other large corporate interests. It protects anyone with enough money to pad the pockets of the FDA. Recently, the powers at the FDA (Faster Drug Approval) decided that the supplement industry is starting to cut into the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry. Less money for Big Pharma means less money for the FDA.

As a result, the FDA has come up with a set of guidelines that will make it extremely expensive and difficult for the nutritional industry to keep manufacturing supplements. So expensive and difficult, in fact, that it will put most of them out of business.

Why is the FDA doing this? It must be because nutritional supplements are dangerous, right? Not exactly. Back in 2008, one panel of scientists reviewed the dangers of nutritional supplements. They examined the data in the 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers. They published their report in the journal Clinical Toxicology. It specifically looks at the death rates from drugs, foods, and nutritional supplements.

Guess how many deaths there were from vitamins - zero. Guess how many from herbs - zero. Guess how many from those nasty, dangerous amino acids - zero. OK, how about minerals and all other nutritional supplements - zero. That's right, in 2008 nobody died in the entire country from any nutritional supplement of any kind! But let's put this into perspective.

The panel duly noted that, "Over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. Even if each of those people took only one single tablet daily, that makes 154,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of over 56 billion doses annually. Since many persons take more than just one vitamin or mineral tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of nutritional supplements is all the more remarkable."
So if nutritional substances are safer than water (yes, water kills people every year), why in the world would the FDA decide to initiate oppressive Big Brother regulations that would essentially make them unavailable to you?

Here's why: Nutritional therapies are eliminating the need for most medications. And as more and more doctors learn how to use them, nutraceuticals are going to cut more and more into Big Pharma profits. Just last week, I was able to discontinue a total of 13 different prescriptions in my patients. That's just one doctor in one week. Imagine what happens when thousands of doctors are doing this routinely. "Something has to be done," says the FDA.

Marcia Angell a reporter for the Boston Globe put it this way. "For too long the FDA has behaved as though its job is to speed brand-name drugs to market, not to ensure that they are safe." According to Ms. Angell's scathing report, the FDA is simply a lap dog for the pharmaceutical industry. "It's time to take the Food and Drug Administration back from the drug companies," she says.

Well, I agree, and I think this might be just the time to start. If we don't do something quickly and effectively, I won't be able to take my patients off their drugs anymore. I won't have the supplements I need. If I can find them, they will cost 100 times more than they do now.

Can you stop this intrusion by Big Brother? Yes, you can. Public pressure works. It worked back in 1994 when the FDA and Congress tried to outlaw supplements. Instead, Congress passed a law that not only protected supplements, but opened the door for incredible innovation in the supplement industry. We can do it again. But only with your help.

Here's what you have to do:
First, go to This web address is case sensitive. So type it exactly as it appears or follow the link. On the website, look up the phone numbers of your U.S. Senators and your Representative in the House. Then call them and tell them how you feel.

Please, do it right now. Don't wait.
The deadline for comments is December 1st. That's not far away.

Second, send this to all of your friends who take supplements and ask them to do the same thing. This is so important it could mean life or death for millions of people. Please, do this right now!

PS. If you would like to read more about this, please follow this link: 

Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Green JL, Rumack BH, Giffin SL. 2008 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' National Poison Data System (NPDS): 26th Annual Report. Clinical Toxicology (2009). 47, 911-1084. The full text article is available for free download at

Thursday, September 22, 2011

5 Ways to Boost Melatonin for a Good Night's Sleep

Sound sleep can become elusive as you age
As we age, our sleep cycles change, and the amount of time you spend in the deepest, most restorative stage of sleep (rapid eye movement or REM), diminishes significantly. That’s one reason why after age 60, you’re more easily awakened.

Plus, starting at around age 40, production of melatonin—the sleep hormone synthesized in the pineal gland in the brain—begins to decline. Therefore, you have less melatonin to get you through the night, which is why many older folks wake at the crack of dawn even though they’re still tired.
To make matters worse, in your 60s and 70s your melatonin secretion patterns change. It takes much longer for melatonin to kick in at night, leaving you tossing and turning.

The good news is there are five ways to boost melatonin for a sound night’s sleep
  1. Keep it dark during the night. Nighttime light exposure disrupts melatonin production and interferes with sleep. Research shows you don’t even need to see the light to have it ruin your sleep. This bodes poorly for people who fall asleep with the TV or lights on. A low-watt nightlight in an adjacent bathroom is okay, but when you are ready to go to sleep all other lights (and the TV) should be off and the shades drawn. And if you get up during the night to go to the bathroom, keep the lights dim.
  2. Let the light in during the day. Just as light during the night interferes with melatonin production, inadequate exposure to light in the daytime also disrupts the body’s natural melatonin cycles. Make a point to spend some time outdoors every day.
  3. Take melatonin. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study also showed that people who take 3 mg of melatonin before bedtime experience a significant increase in deep, restorative REM sleep. Another study found that 3 mg of melatonin given to poor sleepers improved overall sleep quality and reduced daytime sleepiness. The suggested dose is 1–3 mg of melatonin, taken 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime, preferably on an empty stomach. Melatonin should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or nursing or before driving. Be aware that this supplement causes some people to have vivid dreams.
  4. Make sure you’re not taking a drug that inhibits melatonin production. Melatonin-inhibiting drugs include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, anti-anxiety drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, and some antidepressants. If you’re taking one of these, avoid taking it in the hours just before bedtime if possible. Better yet, explore natural alternatives.
  5. Get enough melatonin-boosting foods and nutrients. Good choices include oats, corn, rice, barley, ginger, tomatoes, and bananas. Also take a daily multi-nutrient containing 100 mg niacin, 75 mg B6, 500 mg magnesium, and 1,000 mg calcium, which are all involved in melatonin production.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Congratulations to Martha Bray!

Holistic Family Nurse Practitioner Martha Bray, FNP-BC, APRN, BCIM, of Farmington, UT, has been awarded Diplomat of the College of Whole Medical System in the American Association of Integrative Medicine (AAIM). Diplomat status is reserved for those individuals who are able to meet the stringent requirements of AAIM in the areas of knowledge, skill, education, training, and experience in their health care specialty.

AAIM is an international membership association developed to bring together health care professionals from a variety of health care specialities. Membership is comprised of integrative, alternative, holistic, complementary and traditional health care professionals. This forum allows members to share information in an effort to increase both public and professional knowledge and acceptance of integrative medicine. Thereby, benefiting the patient as well as the practitioner.

Martha works at Advanced Health Clinic in Farmington, UT. For more information about Martha Bray, please CLICK HERE.

For membership information, please visit the AAIM website at or contact AAIM Headquarters toll free at (877)718-3053, American Association of Integrative Medicine, 2750 E. Sunshine, Springfield, MO 65804

Monday, August 15, 2011

What NOT to do in the Summer Heat

12 Things NOT to Do in the Summer Heat

When the thermometer climbs over 80 degrees F, you can easily become fatigued just from being outside in the heat. Once the temperature rises above 90 degrees -- a common occurrence during the dog days of summer in the United States -- you're at a very real risk for sunstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Light-colored, loose-fitting, lightweight clothing is the rule for keeping cool in the summer heat.

In terms of its potential to harm you, only the cold of winter poses a greater threat than the summer heat, according to the National Weather Service, so knowing how to keep cool is essential to your, and your family's safety.
This summer, here are the top things that you should AVOID doing to beat the summer heat.
  1. Don't let yourself get thirsty. Staying hydrated helps to keep your body cool. You should drink regularly throughout the day, even if you don't feel thirsty.
  2. Don't drink too much alcohol. It will cause your body to lose water.
  3. Don't eat heavy meals. Eating heavier foods, like protein, increases your metabolic heat production causing your body to lose more water. Stick with cool, light meals like salads, raw veggies and dip, crackers and cheese, or fruit and a little peanut butter. (Plus, eating cold meals means you don't have to heat up the house by using the oven.)
  4. Don't spend too much time in the sun. Not only are sunny areas hotter than shady ones, but if you get sunburned your body will have a harder time dissipating the heat.
  5. Don't stay in places without air conditioning. Air conditioning drastically reduces heat dangers, even if you're only in it periodically. If you don't have air conditioning at home, go to a public place (libraries, movie theaters, shopping malls) or cooling center that does. A cool bath or shower can also help (but electric fans will not prevent heat-related illness if the temperature is in the upper 90s or above).
  6. Don't exercise or do strenuous activities during the hottest part of the day. Your body can easily become overloaded and unable to function. Ideally, you should only do strenuous outdoor activities when the heat index is below 80 degrees.

Make sure children and pets are getting plenty of water regularly throughout the long days of summer.

  1. Don't leave children or pets in cars. On a hot, sunny day, temperatures inside a parked car can rise more than 30 degrees per minute -- even with open windows, according to the U.S. Humane Society. Leaving children or pets inside your vehicle can quickly become deadly.
  2. Don't push yourself. If you've been outside and begin to have muscle spasms, heavy sweating, fatigue, nausea or weakness, it's past time to take a break. When it's hot outside, you need to rest more often, take frequent cooling breaks (inside in air conditioning) and drink plenty of water.
  3. Don't drink lots of caffeine or sugary drinks. Like alcohol, these will cause your body to lose water.
  4. Don't wear dark-colored, tight or heavy clothes. Light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made of lightweight materials will help you stay cool.
  5. Don't use salt tablets (unless you've been instructed to do so by a physician).
  6. Don't leave the elderly or pets unattended. Be sure to check on elderly neighbors to make sure they are keeping cool, and provide plenty of cool water, air conditioning and shade for pets that will be left alone for the day.

National Weather Service

© 2011 Health Realizations, Inc

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Advanced Mind Health: A Change in Our Very Natures

Advanced Mind Health: A Change in Our Very Natures: "“And so God has made possible for you and me this blessing, a change in our very natures.” What an incredible blessing a change so profoun..."

Advanced Health Clinic: Rebirth Your Health, Wealth, Personal Success, and...

Advanced Health Clinic: Rebirth Your Health, Wealth, Personal Success, and...: "How to Rebirth Your Health, Wealth, Personal Success, and More At some point everyone searches to make positive changes in their life. W..."

Rebirth Your Health, Wealth, Personal Success, and More

How to Rebirth Your
Health, Wealth, Personal Success, and More

At some point everyone searches to make positive changes in their life. Whether they are health-related, success-oriented or simply to get more happiness out of life, it is a constant quest.
Without having a roadmap or step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish these life changes many of us unfortunately give up trying, settling for the status quo and accepting things as they are.

The first step toward achieving the life you really want? Believing you CAN and WILL have it.

The good news is there are some simple changes you can make in your life to garner success, happiness and good health. You CAN achieve the ideal you've been after -- the trick is to focus on a few changes at a time and once you start noticing differences in your life learning how to use these positive changes for inspiration to take on some more.
Below you will find simple yet insightful tips on how to achieve success in every area of your life followed by practical habits to living a long and healthy life. Are you ready to get started?
Starting with Success
What do Stephen King, Oprah Winfrey and Walt Disney have in common? They all share the traits of perseverance, never giving up on their dreams. King received 30 rejections for his book Carrie and went so far as throwing it in the trash before his wife encouraged him to resubmit it.
Winfrey suffered an abusive childhood and in her early career days was fired from her job as television reporter because she was told she was "unfit for TV" -- and when Disney broached his vision of Disneyland he faced resistance from his brother, Roy, bankers and industry experts. Everyone wants to be successful in life but it is only those who believe in themselves that come out ahead of the pack.
Another inspirational story to look back upon is Walter Payton's. Considered the NFL's greatest rusher, his impressive sports record included rushing for 16,726 yards, scoring 125 touchdowns and 21,803 combined net yards. Nicknamed "Sweetness" to capture his personality off the field, Payton is an exemplary example of someone who lived life to their fullest and displayed grace and dignity even in his dying days just before losing his battle to a rare liver disease.
When diagnosed with the disease in 1999, he received an offer to be moved up on the waiting list for a new liver, but refused stating that he didn't want to deny someone else's opportunity to live just because of his popularity and status.
Often described as a prankster and generous he was a true role model to others that came in contact with him. Even in his dying days he was tough and courageous every step of the way and played his usual pranks on others as a way, some thought, to ease the anxiety of family and friends.
Payton's passion for life was clearly reflected in this excerpt from his autobiography, "Never Die Easy":
"If you ask me how I want to be remembered, it is as a winner. You know what a winner is? A winner is somebody who has given his best effort, who has tried the hardest they possibly can, who has utilized every ounce of energy and strength within them to accomplish something. It does not mean they accomplished it or failed, it means they have given it their best. That is a winner. 
All those honors are great, but personally I would ask that anyone who wants to pay tribute to me, for any reason, I would say there is one thing you could do above everything else and that is: Never let a day go by where you neglect to tell your loved ones that you love them. For you never know what tomorrow may have in store. Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one."
Now it's your turn to create your own personal success story. Below are six steps to finding and achieving personal success in your life.
Change Your Life by Practicing These Six Successful Habits

personal success
Life will throw hurdles your way, but successful people know how to turn a challenge -- even a failure -- into an achievement.

  1. Don't wait for a golden opportunity to drop on your doorstep, take the first step toward your goals.By taking a proactive approach you are not only claiming responsibility for your actions but you are also showing that you are the one in control of your destiny. Instead of waiting around for something to happen, people to contact you or someone to motivate you, you are taking the initiative to go after what it is you want by seeking out opportunities for success rather than waiting for them to come to you.

    Successful people are open-minded and have the ability to see the opportunity or potential when it presents itself and act on it. As with anything in life there will be some trial and errors and that's natural, the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.
  2. Come up with a plan and visualize yourself as already achieving your goals.

    Before you take action on your idea, you have to first sketch it out whether that's in a journal or on the computer and review the steps or timeline to getting to your final goal.

    Clearly define what success means to you and create your vision of what it is you want to work toward: a different position at work, promotion, physical accomplishment such as running a marathon -- get specific. Then tap into your creative mind and picture what this success would feel like and be sure to include yourself in the visualization.

    Write your visualization down in first person present narrative to make it as if you are currently living your dream. Get as detailed as possible and include any sounds, colors or smells associated with your visualization. The more real you make it, the more likely it will manifest into your life.
  3. Prioritize and organize your goals.

    Make a plan for each day and use an ongoing to-do list as way to hold yourself accountable to get these things done. It is just as important to write down your goals to give them life and direction. Keep your goals specific, realistic, measurable and achievable. Put them somewhere where you'll see them everyday like on the refrigerator or taped to your computer screen.

    Become a master of your time and don't fall victim to needless disruptions and time-wasters that cut into productivity. Implement your own personal time-management plan, stay focused on your goals and dedicate your time and energy to things that are important to you.
  4. Establish relationships with positive and successful people.

    The saying "great minds think alike" holds a lot of weight when it comes to this habit as most achievements come from the efforts of a team of people working together generating ideas. Everyone is entitled to success and there's certainly enough to go around so share your success with others and celebrate in other's successes.

    You can find people with similar interests by attending related business events and industry conferences. Also, make a conscious effort to keep away from negative, pessimistic people who bring you down and instead seek out enthusiastic people who are motivating and uplifting and who support your goals and dreams. You will find the path to your success becomes easier once you create a positive supportive group of people around you.
  5. Make a pact to become a life-long student.

    Before you become the master of your goals, you have to be the student and gain the knowledge from your teachers in life. Take the time to listen to the stories and ideas of both young and old and know there is always something new you can learn or a different way of looking at something.

    Successful people commit themselves to life-long learning through constantly increasing their knowledge base to help lead a life of rich fulfillment. Life-long learning can further your self-growth and bring out your natural abilities. Some areas of life-long learning include academics by taking classes, volunteering and reaching out to others and diversity by traveling and learning to examine other cultures.
  6. Practice, practice, practice and take action.In order to reap any benefits from these habits you need to practice them every waking hour. The very act of doing something over and over turns it into a habit, and in this case, a very rewarding habit. Sitting in your recliner thinking about how you are going to meet your soul mate or fantasizing about the online business you've wanted to start isn't going to make it happen.
Implementing the plan you created (step two) and creating the bridge between your visualization and action will. Whatever it is you want in life takes some act of doing. This could be attending a conference, becoming a member of a church or finding a job.
Six Habits that Will Open the Door to Your Best Health
It's never too late and you are never too old to make positive changes to your health. If you start making small changes now you will reap big rewards as you get older. If you make a few changes at a time you won't get overwhelmed and discouraged and chances are you'll stick to your healthier lifestyle.
Start by taking one of the six healthy habits and work on making it a part of your daily life. Once you do that, move on to the next one and keep going until you've mastered all six habits.
  1. Get outside and fill your lungs with fresh air
You may not even realize the amount of time you spend indoors each day, driving in the car, sitting at the office, returning home and repeating the same thing the next day. By not getting outdoors and exposing yourself to fresh air you are losing many important health benefits. Schedule some outdoor time each day. It could be a brisk walk around your neighborhood or pre-planned outdoor activities.

Getting some fresh air each day will:
  • Help the airways of your lungs to dilate more fully and improve the cleansing action of your lungs
  • Help to improve your heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolic rate
  • Help your immune system fight off disease more effectively
  • Leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed
  • Stimulate your appetite and help your food to digest more effectively
  • Help you sleep more soundly at night
  • Help to clear your mind and improve your concentration
  • Alter your brain levels of serotonin, which helps to improve your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being
  • Help your body get rid of accumulated impurities
  • Provide enough oxygen for cellular metabolism
  1. Keep refilling your water glass

    If you don't drink enough water each day to replenish your body, there's a good chance you're walking around in an unhealthy state of dehydration. Aim for drinking six to eight glasses of water a day and limit dehydrating drinks such as coffee and soft drinks. Keep a glass out on your kitchen counter and designate it as your "water" glass. This will serve as a visual reminder to drink more. Drinking the recommended amount of water each day helps with the most basic, yet essential bodily functions such as moistening the lungs, making it easier to breathe and helping move along food digestion.
  2. Try to get on a consistent 6-7 hours a night sleep scheduleSix to seven hours seem to be the magic numbers for the ideal amount of sleep as research has shown that people who slept for eight hours or less than four are not as healthy as those getting six to seven hours of sleep a night. Turn your bedroom into the perfect sleep setting by keeping it dark, cool (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit) and free of distracting internal noise like the TV in the living room and external noise such as traffic going by.
  3. Put more fruit and veggies on your plate

    Unfortunately, it's not uncommon in America's on-the-go society to go an entire day with little to no fruits or vegetables. Preparing more sit-down meals at home is one answer to breaking this bad habit. This way you can control how many fruits and vegetables you are eating as opposed to leaving it in the hands of a restaurant or fast-food chain.

    If you're on the go, you can grab a piece of fruit, some cut-up veggies or handful of almonds to snack on before you get home. It will also help you avoid cravings to stop at a drive-thru for something sweet or unhealthy.
  4. Add high-fiber foods to your diet

    Americans are also not coming close to meeting the daily fiber requirements in their diets. According to The American Dietetic Association, the recommended intake is 20 grams to 35 grams of fiber a day and reports show that Americans' fiber intake isn't even half of that amount at14-15 grams a day.

    Fiber, also known as roughage, comes from plant-based foods and works wonders on essential functions in your body. Getting your daily intake of fiber will help with reducing your blood pressure, move things easily through your digestive tract and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and promoting weight loss.

    There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, the difference between the two is that soluble dissolves in water, while insoluble does not, and both offer many benefits to your health. Most dietitians recommend that your intake of fiber should be broken down by this ratio: insoluble vs. soluble fiber should be 75 percent to 25 percent. Below is a list of these fibers.
  5. Soluble fibers:
    • Kidney beans
    • Pinto beans
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Broccoli
    • Spinach
    • Zucchini
    • Fruits (raw)
    • Apple
    • Orange
    • Grapefruit
    • Grapes
    • Prunes
    • Grains Oatmeal
    • Whole-wheat bread
    Insoluble fibers:
    • Vegetables - especially dark green leafy ones
    • Root vegetable skins
    • Fruit skins
    • Whole wheat products, wheat bran
    • Corn bran
    • Nuts and seeds
  6. Make exercise as routine as brushing your teeth every day

    Once you set aside time to exercise each day -- starting with something as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood after dinner each night -- it will become a routine. Start by setting a goal of 30 minutes of exercise a week and once you're comfortable with that increase your time. You'll find yourself with more energy, feel better about yourself and want to do more.

    There are several creative opportunities to include exercise in your daily life. You can opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator at work or take regular breaks from your desk to walk around. By doing this you will alleviate some stress and burn some extra calories at the same time. If the weather allows, take a walk around your office building on your lunch break or if you're close to work, ride your bike one day out of the week.
And remember, repeated thoughts of worry, anxiety, and sadness, along with focusing on what's wrong with your life, can lead to physical and mental heath problems plus potentially reduce your life expectancy. By consciously "re-channeling" your thoughts toward the positive, you'll have an easier time reaching your goals for increased health, wealth and happiness, and be able to gain feelings of true contentment and well-being in all areas of your life.

Sources The 10 Benefits of Lifelong Learning
Medical News Today April 22, 2009 7 Ways to get What You Want From Life
CNN Sports Illustrated November 2, 1999

© 2011 Health Realizations, Inc

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

All About Beets

All About Beets:
Why They Can't be Beat for Your Health,
Plus Tasty Recipes

The next time you visit your favorite European restaurant and your waitress asks you, "chicken dumpling or Borscht soup," think twice before answering as you may be missing out on some tasty health benefits in a bowl -- beets.

Beets are good for your brain, your eyes, your heart and more.

This often overlooked, underdog vegetable is loaded with antioxidants such as  fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Because of its folate-rich properties, just one half cup of cooked beets meets 17 percent of the daily recommended folate intake.
These colorful root vegetables that traditionally come in red are also available in gold and white and contain powerful nutrient compounds that can help protect against heart disease, birth defects and certain cancers, especially colon cancer.
Six Health Reasons to Add this Superfood to Your Diet
  1. Help Prevent Cancer
Lab studies conducted on human tumor cells have confirmed that beets reduce the risk for colon, stomach, lung, breast and testicular cancers. It was discovered that betacyanin, the pigment that gives beets their red color, is responsible for reducing the development of cancerous cells and inflammation linked to heart disease.
The high fiber in beets is another key to warding off colon cancer because it increases the production of special immune cells that destroy cancer cells in the colon.
  1. Boost Your Brain
Studies have shown that the antioxidants in one dose of beet juice a day triggers an increase in the blood flow to your brain, helping to keep your mind sharp and building a line of defense against developing dementia as you get older. This happens through the antioxidants working to lower the levels of harmful free radicals in your body, which are prime culprits for damaging brain cells and other body regions.
  1. Lower Blood Pressure
Beets improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. A British study published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertensionfound that the rich nitrate levels found in beet juice work to open up blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure and prevent blood clotting and inflammation.
  1. Antioxidant Benefits
Beets contain a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains that have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification support. The betalains found in the peel and flesh of the beet allow for these health benefits.
  1. Protect Your Vision
According to a recent study from Italy, two important carotenoids found in beets, lutein and zeaxanthin, are especially big factors when it comes to reducing the development of common age-related eye problems surrounding the macula and retina areas.
  1. Folic Acid Powerhouse
Beets are a rich source of folic acid, an especially important nutrient for pregnant women or anyone undergoing physical healing. Folic acid works to prevent birth defects like spinal bifida and is also responsible for the production and maintenance of new cells.
Four Delicious Beet Recipes to Serve to Your Family or Dinner Guests
At first glance when looking at a beet it's hard to imagine that this hard exterior could be transformed into a soft, buttery and delicious-tasting treat once cooked. But beets can be prepared in a variety of creative ways. You can steam, boil, pickle, roast or cut them up and eat them raw in a salad of mixed greens.
If time is a factor you can put together a dish in 15 minutes by cutting them in quarters without removing the skin, steaming them and serving them as a colorful side dish to your meal.

Roasted as a side dish or raw on a salad, beets can't be beat for your health!

Below are three tasty ways to prepare these naturally sweet and nutrient-rich vegetables and add them to your weekly menus.
Roasting Beets  
This is the easiest and one of the most delicious ways to prepare beets. There is virtually no preparation, no clean up and the beets are sweet and delicious and can be used warm or cold in a variety of dishes.
If you are cooking a lot of beets, they can be roasted in a roasting pan, covered with foil. If cooking just a few, roast them in a pouch made of aluminum foil. Roasted beets can be eaten warm right out of the oven dressed with a little olive oil and salt, added to a roasted vegetable mix, served cold with French lentils or as a warm beet and mushroom salad.
Warm Roasted Beet and Portobello Salad
 Serves 4 as an appetizer or 2 as an entrée:
  • 3 medium beets
  • 3 Portobello mushroom caps
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3.5 ounces goat cheese
  • 10 ounces arugula or baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup picked parsley leaves
  • 1/4 cup toasted walnuts
  • 2 shallots, sliced into thin rounds
  • 3/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Pre-heat the oven to 400F.
Scrub the beets and place on a large sheet of foil, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and fold the sides up to make a sealed pouch.
Wipe off the mushroom caps, place them on another large sheet of foil, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, season with salt and pepper and fold the sides up to make a sealed pouch. Place both pouches in the oven.
Bake the mushrooms for approximately 20 minutes, or until cooked through. Bake the beets for approximately 45 minutes, until they are tender when pierced with a knife.
Meanwhile, whisk together the balsamic vinegar, mustard and olive oil and set aside. When the beets and mushrooms are fully cooked, remove from the oven. Slice the mushrooms into strips. With a knife, remove the tops of the beets, slide the skins off with your hands.
Slice the beets and toss with the warm mushrooms and goat cheese, cover with foil so they stay warm until you serve them.
In a salad bowl, toss together the arugula, walnuts, shallots, parsley and dressing. Place onto plates and top with the beet and mushroom mixture.
Beet Tumbleweed
This is one of the snacks currently being served at Washington, D.C.,'s Minibar as part of a 30-course tasting menu. It comes from Chef Katsuya Fukushima.
  • 1 medium beet
  • 3 cups vegetable oil
  • Kosher salt
Preheat oil to 340 degrees.
Peel beet and cut off ends. Slice into thin strings using Japanese Benriner cutter or pressing hard with a zester. Measure strings into 1/3-ounce portions, a little less than a tablespoon.
Place a single portion of string into hot oil for 8 seconds. Remove from oil, quickly place on towel to drain and salt liberally.
Within 5 seconds after leaving oil, work hot string between the palms of your hands until it hardens into a ball the size of a ping-pong. You may have to try several times to get the proper shape. Repeat process until you have used all the beet strings.
Serve as a snack or as a little bite before the meal begins.
Roasted Beets with Blue Cheese Sauce and Spiced
Serves 6
  • 4 medium beets
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 6 ounces Maytag blue cheese
  • Spiced walnuts (see recipe below)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
If beets have stalks, trim stalks 1/2 inch from beet. Wash beets gently under water, then wrap individually in aluminum foil.
Roast beets for 1-2 hours depending on sizes. A knife should slide easily into the beet, through foil, when done. Allow to cool to room temperature.
While beets are roasting, put cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower heat and add blue cheese. Stir constantly until cheese has been fully incorporated into the cream.
Pour the cheese mixture into a food processor and blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Allow to cool to room temperature.
Remove beets from foil, then remove beet skins using a paper towel. (Wear kitchen gloves to avoid staining your hands.)
Cut roasted beets into desired shapes. Drizzle cheese sauce over beets, then top with chopped spiced walnuts.
Spiced Walnuts
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1/2 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • Dash cayenne pepper
  • Dash sea salt
  • Black pepper to taste
Melt butter over medium heat in small saucepan. Add walnuts, then spices and toss for 30 seconds. Allow to cool to room temperature.
If you're looking for additional recipes on beets and preparing other healthy and delicious raw food dishes, Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes is a great resource to consider.

World's Healthiest Foods: Beets "There's No Beating the Beet"
Medical News Today November 8, 2010

© 2011 Health Realizations, Inc

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Have you ever wondered why a bunch of carrots costs more than a package of Twinkies? Food journalist Michael Pollan connects the dots between food policy, high-fructose corn syrup, and our health. Watch this video and discover why...  Twinkie-vs-Carrot Video

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Save a Trillion Dollars

In the scheme of things, saving the 38 billion bucks that Congress seems poised to agree upon is not a big deal. A big deal is saving atrillion bucks. And we could do that by preventing disease instead of treating it.
For the first time in history, lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and others kill more people than communicable ones. Treating these diseases — and futile attempts to “cure” them — costs a fortune, more than one-seventh of our GDP.
But they’re preventable, and you prevent them the same way you cause them: lifestyle. A sane diet, along with exercise, meditation and intangibles like love prevent and even reverse disease. A sane diet alone would save us hundreds of billions of dollars and maybe more.
This isn’t just me talking. In a recent issue of the magazine Circulation, the American Heart Association editorial board stated flatly that costs in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease — the leading cause of death here and in much of the rest of the world — will triple by 2030, to more than $800 billion annually. Throw in about $276 billion of what they call “real indirect costs,” like productivity, and you have over a trillion. Enough over, in fact, to make $38 billion in budget cuts seem like a rounding error.

Similarly, Type 2 diabetes is projected to cost us $500 billion a year come 2020, when half of all Americans will have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Need I remind you that Type 2 diabetes is virtually entirely preventable? Ten billion dollars invested now might save a couple of hundred billion annually 10 years from now. And:hypertension, many cancersdiverticulitis and more are treated by a health care (better termed “disease care”) system that costs us about $2.3 trillion annually now — before costs double and triple.
It’s worth noting that the Federal budget will absorb its usual 60 percent of that cost. We can save some of that money, though, if an alliance of insurers, government, individuals — maybe even Big Food, if it’s pushed hard enough — moves us towards better eating.
The many numbers all point in the same direction. Look at heart disease: The INTERHEART study of 30,000 men and women in 52 countries showed that at least 90 percent of heart disease is lifestyle related; a European study of more than 23,000 Germans showed that people with healthier lifestyles had an 81 percent lower risk.
And those estimates might be on the low side. Dean Ornish, the San Francisco-based doctor who probably knows more about diet and heart disease than anyone, says, “My colleagues and I have found that more intensive diets than those studies used can reverse the progression of even severe coronary heart disease.”
In his latest book, “The Spectrum,” Ornish recommends that people at risk eat stricter diets (more plants, higher fiber, lower saturated fats and so on) than those who are generally healthy, but it’s not all or nothing — the more you change your diet and lifestyle, the healthier you are. “What matters most,” he says, “is your overall way of eating and living. If you indulge yourself one day, eat healthier the next.” I’ve been preaching similarly for years. But the trillion-dollar question is, “How do we get people to eat that way?”
I don’t have an easy answer; no one does. But it for sure will take an investment: it’s a situation in which you must spend money to make or save money. (Yes, taxes will go up, but whose taxes?) Some number of billions of dollars — something in the rounding error area — should be spent on research to figure out exactly how to turn this ship around. (The NIH, which pegs obesity-related costs at about $150 billion, just announced a new billion-dollar investment. Good, but not enough.)
Corny as it is to say so, if we can put a man on the moon we can create an environment in which an apple is a better and more accessible choice than a Pop-Tart. Some other billions of dollars must go to public health. Again: we built sewage systems; we built water supplies; we showed that we could get people to eat anything we marketed. Now all we have to do is build a food distribution system that favors real food, and market that.
Experts without vested interests in the status quo come to much the same conclusion: Only a massive public health effort can save both our health and our budget.
Can we afford it? Sure. Dr. David Ludwig, a Harvard-affiliated pediatrician and the author of “Ending the Food Fight,” says, “The magnitude of the deficit is small when you consider costs of nutrition-related disease; the $4 trillion that the Republicans want cut over a decade is about the same as the projected costs of diabetes over that same period.”
In last week’s issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Ludwig made a number of concrete suggestions, like restructuring subsidies, regulating the marketing of food to children and adequately funding school lunch programs.
His most novel ideas use existing and future technologies to help the food industry retain profits while producing less junky products: devising a method of preserving polyunsaturated fats, for example (dangerous trans-fats are widely used simply because they are stable) or making bread with real whole grains instead of refined ones. (His research demonstrates that people who eat ultra-processed grains rather than whole grains for breakfast go on to consume 600 to 700 calories more than other people each day.) “I’m not arguing that the food industry should be philanthropic,” he says. “Its purpose is to make money. But the goal of the government should be to encourage industry to make money by producing more rather than less healthful foods.”
The best way to combat diet-related diseases is to change what we eat. And if our thinking is along the lines of diet improved = deficit reduced, so much the better. If a better diet were to result only in a 10 percent decrease in heart disease (way lower than Ludwig believes possible), that’s $100 billion project savings per year by 2030.
This isn’t just fiscal responsibility, but social responsibility as well. And the alternative is not only fiscal catastrophe but millions of premature deaths.

How to Save a Trillion Dollars by Mark Bittman

Friday, April 22, 2011

Healthy Help for Elimination

A daily dose of dried plums (prunes) is more effective for constipation relief than the soluble fiber psyllium, say results from a randomized clinical trial. The study showed that daily prune consumption significantly improved spontaneous bowel movements per week, compared with psyllium.

For effective support, try  PaleoFiber™, a combination of natural fibers derived from fruits, vegetables, roots, seeds, and tree extracts with added friendly bacteria and prebiotics, available through Health & Nutrition at AHC. 

SOURCE: Randomised clinical trial: dried plums (prunes) vs. psyllium for constipation

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mind/Body Medicine

What is Mind/Body Medicine?

Mind/body medicine is an approach to healing that uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health. As Hippocrates once wrote, "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." This is the essence of mind/body medicine.

Does Mind/Body Medicine work?
While phrases such as "mind over matter" have been around for years, only recently have scientists found solid evidence that mind-body techniques actually do combat disease and promote health. In 1989, a landmark study by David Spiegel, M.D. at Stanford University School of Medicine dramatically demonstrated the power of the mind to heal. Of 86 women with late-stage breast cancer, half received standard medical care while the other half received the standard care plus weekly support sessions in which the women were able to share both their grief and their triumphs. Spiegel discovered that the women who participated in the social support group lived twice as long as the women who did not.

What are Mind/Body Techniques?
The key to any mind/body technique is to "train" the mind to focus on the body without distraction. It is in this state of "focused concentration" that an individual may be able to change his or her health. The following are some of the most commonly practiced techniques.

Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a technique in which people are trained to improve their health by learning to control certain internal bodily processes that normally occur involuntarily, such as heart rate or blood pressure. These activities can be measured with electrodes and displayed on a monitor that both the participant and his or her practitioner can see. The monitor thereby provides feedback to the participant about the internal workings of his or her body. This person can then be taught to use this information to gain control over these "involuntary" activities. Biofeedback is an effective therapy for many conditions, but it is primarily used to treat tension headache, migraine headache, and chronic pain.

Relaxation Techniques: There are three major types of relaxation techniques:
  • Autogenic training. This technique uses both visual imagery and body awareness to move a person into a deep state of relaxation. The person imagines a peaceful place and then focuses on different physical sensations, moving from the feet to the head. For example, one might focus on warmth and heaviness in the limbs, easy, natural breathing, a calm heartbeat, and a cool forehead.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves slowly tensing and then releasing each muscle group individually, starting with the muscles in the toes and finishing with those in the head.
  • Meditation. The two most popular forms of meditation in the U.S. include Transcendental Meditation (students repeat a mantra [a single word or phrase], maintaining an "oh well" attitude if other thoughts arise) and mindfulness meditation (students focus their attention on their moment-by-moment thoughts and sensations).
Hypnosis: During hypnosis (taken from the Greek term hypnos, meaning "sleep") a person's body relaxes while his or her thoughts become more focused and attentive. It is in this state of deep concentration that people are highly responsive to a hypnotherapist's suggestions. There are three layers of hypnosis: the first is absorption (becoming deeply engaged in the words or images presented by a hypnotherapist); the second is dissociation (letting go of critical thoughts); and the third is responsiveness (complying whole-heartedly to a hypnotherapist's suggestions). Today, many mental health professionals use hypnosis to treat people with addictions, pain, anxiety disorders, and phobias.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Omega-3 Fatty Acids have Anti-Inflammatory Action

While inflammation is in fact a protective and restorative response to injury, excessive or prolonged inflammation can cause many chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The classic signs of inflammation -local redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function - are caused and regulated by the activity of a large number of chemical mediators called eicosanoids.

Eicosanoids consist of different hormones that are responsible for numerous cellular functions within the body. There are pro-inflammatory eicosanoids (i.e., those that encourage inflammation) and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids (i.e., those that discourage inflammation).

The production of pro- and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids depends on the type and amount of fatty acids that we consume. Because the standard American diet is rich in fatty acids that heavily promote the production pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, numerous health challenges can arise.

Fortunately, many substances - including the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in cold-water fish?have been shown to simultaneously inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids and promote the production of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. For this reason, supplementation with EPA and DHA may provide a safe and natural way to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

This year, Advanced Health & Nutrition is partnering with Metagenics and Vitamin Angels by sponsoring  Operation 20/20 - an outreach program dedicated to reducing child mortality worldwide by connecting essential nutrients, especially Vit A, with infants and children under 5. Many children go blind, simply because of poor nutrition. We can now do something to make a difference in helping these children!

Every 2 bottles of EPA and/or DHA supplements you purchase through us will fund nutritional support for 1 yr for a child in need. Help us help a child!

SOURCE: Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71(Suppl):S343-S48.

Advanced Nutrition Publications ©2002

Friday, April 1, 2011

Is There Something "Fishy" About Your Fish Oil?

Is There Something "Fishy" About Your Fish Oil?

What you need to know isn’t on the label. Purity and quality of fish oil supplements (omega-3s, EPA, DHA) is a growing public concern. High quality supplements have the potential to offer wonderful health support. But lesser quality products may contain potentially harmful levels of compounds that negatively impact health—or not work or taste as well as they should.
  • Contamination. Some fish oil products may contain excessive levels of harmful toxins.
  • Country of origin. Some products are manufactured in countries with less consistent quality standards.
  • Rancidity. Fish oil is unstable and can quickly become spoiled and oxidized, which can be bad for your health.
  • Low potency. Some products may contain lower levels of omega-3s than promised on labels.
  • Fishy aftertaste. Fish oil supplements don’t have to taste (or smell) like fish to work well.
You see why it’s important to know what’s behind the label. Is it a preferred source (location, type of fish, responsible fishing methods)? What are the purity standards? Who does the testing? Where is it made? Is it protected against rancidity? How does it taste?

The hard investigative work has already been done for you. Schedule a visit to discuss personalized recommendations for great-tasting, quality fish oils without the worry—and the strength to give the support you need.


Join us in saving lives. With every 2 bottles of fish oil you purchase from us, you help a child in need. In partnership with Metagenics and Vitamin Angels, we are engaged in Operation 20/20 - an outreach program aimed at reducing child mortality and eradicating childhood blindness. Every 2 bottles you purchase of any of our high quality fish oil supplements from Metagenics will fund nutritional support for 1 year for a child in need.