Monday, February 28, 2011


Lifestyle Recommendations:
1. Practice good sleep habits and get between 8-9 hours of sleep a night.

2. Participate in a regular balanced exercise program that includes wearing a
pedometer to ensure that you collect steps and move more. High intensity short bursts (20-60 seconds) of activity during the day is recommended to enhance growth hormone release. Also engage in resistance training that works all major muscle groups (work each group at least 2 times a week).

3. Engage in mental exercise by consistently learning new skills and information.

4. Avoid exposure to chemicals including skincare and hair care products such as Grecian Formula (contains lead), lipstick (contains aluminum), deodorant

5. Build positive relationships in your life; practice clear communication,cooperation and forgiveness.

Dietary Recommendations:1. Choose lean, clean quality protein at each meal such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, fish (especially salmon and sardines), eggs and whey protein.

2. Emphasize omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega 9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados, macadamia oil and coconut oil).

3. Eat 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily OR add one heaping
tablespoon of PaleoGreens and PaleoReds to your favorite drink.

4. Substitute complex carbohydrates (non-starchy vegetables and whole grains) for refined and simple carbohydrates. Eliminate refined carbohydrates from the diet (this includes bread, cereal or pasta made with white flour, white rice, white potatoes, sugar, corn syrup, honey and candy).

4. Limit or avoid trans fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine and shortening). Cook with olive oil at a low heat.

5. Drink at least 64 ounces of filtered, bottled or non-chlorinated water every
day. In addition, drink 2-3 cups of naturally decaffeinated green tea daily.

6. Avoid or limit caffeine, alcohol and other potentially neurotoxic compounds
like aspartame and MSG.

Consult with your health care professional before engaging in an exercise program or in implementing dietary changes.
Courtesy of Designs for Health Lifestyle Protocols
(aluminum), toxic cleaning products and artist’s paints.

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